deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lego The Hobbit (Wii U): COMPLETED!

And that’s another Lego game done. Not 100%, yet, but the story is complete. Like Lego Marvel Super Heroes, I completed it in co-op with my daughter, but we found it somewhat shorter than that game. There’s obviously a lot to do still, not least with the new mechanic of finding “loot” (like ingots and wood) with which to make stuff. This time round, there’s even more reason to smash all the things. The plot was sort of how I …

Fillum review: Time Bandits (1981)

Paul Kaye introduced it as a film you need to see before you die. I’m not sure that’s entirely necessary, as there are many better films out there. However, there aren’t many better films with Monty Python involvement, and midgets. Sorry, dwarves. What is the politically correct term? Very small people? Persons of unusually short stature? Although it was written by two Pythons, and stars some of them, overt silliness is kept to a minimum. The story is all over …